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Adrenalogic Book

Stress Kills...

Stress is responsible for 85% of all medical visits and 60% of all disease.
In her best selling book, Stress Expert Dr. Lena Edwards deconstructs stress and its effects on health and longevity and gives readers the tools they need to outsmart their stress.

The Art of Moving Through Stress

Adrenalogic Will Change Your Life Forever



In today’s society most of us are move at a rapid pace and have taken on more responsibilities than ever before. In turn, this has caused a surge in stress levels. If you are among the millions who deal with the consequences of chronic stress including: exhaustion, chronic fatigue, weight gain and depression, Dr. Lena Edwards can help.

Dr. Edwards is a highly respected internist who is also Board Certified and Fellowship-Trained in Functional and Integrative Medicine. In this vital book, Dr. Edwards dispels modern myths surrounding stress, offers logical, clear health advice and explains the critical role that adrenal glands play in the stress process.

Giving stress the credibility and the attention it deserves, Dr. Edwards explains the link between the hormones, stress levels and the development of disease – a health connection that has not yet been fully realized. If you’re looking for clear answers, you’ll find this book packed with real-life case studies, graphics and the most current facts on the inter-connection between stress, abnormal cortisol production and pervasive modern maladies such as: cancer, heart disease, depression, allergies, insomnia, reproductive disorders, and premature aging.

Readers of Adrenalogic have the opportunity to ‘step behind the curtain’ and discover the intricate relationship between mind and body while Dr. Edwards carefully explains the steps needed to regain health and balance and provides insight into the ways that you can out-smart stress and prevent it from interfering with your daily life.

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